1. Renewable energy
Norway has a huge hydro-power and wind energy potential, onshore and offshore. The recent development of wind farms in the vicinity of Bremanger underlines this potential and more developments are planned in the area.
2. Energy storage
A volume of 180 million m3 of water at an average height of 300m above sea level equates to about 150 GWh of potential energy storage. This equals a full month of household energy usage for a city like Bergen.
3. Main infrastructure
As a result of the current activities, investments in and the development of the main infrastructure elements like the tunnel, workshops, access roads and utilities have already been done. A basin is created within the mountain by extracting the rock. This process takes places inside the mountain to minimize the impact on the environment.
4. The tunnel
The tunnel between the reservoir and the sea is large enough to install the penstock pipes, valves and booster pump(s), and provides enough space for operation and maintenance.
5. The facility
The facility is located directly at the sea, where the future powerhouse and transformer station will be constructed. Workshops, offices, etc are already present.
6. Reversible pump-turbine
A reversible pump-turbine/generator acts as a combined pump and turbine generator unit (Francis turbine). The system is linked to the Norway grid, through which the consumed and produced power is distributed. At times of low electrical demand, excess generation capacity is used to pump water into the basin.